Describing Photographs
Clothesline- It is an image of a lady climbing on a ladder to hang or remove clothes from the clothesline. - the clothesline looks really high because it is made from transformers. - In the picture i can see a large amount of land with transformers running through the middle and a little house or barn in the back right. - In the background i can see that the land goes all the way back to where you can barely see. - The lady in the picture looks like she is doing her chores and she isn't scared of heights Mirrored Water- This is a picture of a man standing on a canoe in a lake -the water starts to turn into a broken mirror the less deep it is. - The man looks confused as he reached land and starts to notice the broken mirror reflecting the sky just like the water does. - the photographer probably was trying to say that the water can also reflect thing or objects just like a mirror Man punching himself- This picture is showing a man punching himself in the face and the fac...